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ka is a kpopaholic so sometimes there will be some entry about K-POP ,, aja~aja~ HWAITING !! ^^

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

PeNaT tp HaPpY

yess... sempene ari ka n kwn2 akn mule bekerja pada hari khamis nnty,,
ktowg pon pegi la shopping barang2 keje...
such as :: baju putih,,sua slack itam,,tudung putih,,kasot itam..

and actually ktowg ade ajk mmbe2 ktowg dri kahang timo skali..
> zue and tikah <
saje nk wt reunion Kem Skor A Sejarah yg lalu..haha
tp sayang nye mereke tidak dapat memunculkan diri kerana masalah pengangkutan (kot)
dan masalah cuaca... huuuu... sad juge~
but..dont worry... there's still have another time rite... :)

n sebenanye disamping kegembiraan shopping, yg paling gmbire... tntulah...
date saye...ahahaha
1st date kowt..kah3! tol! xtipu ni.... ;)

tp kamy bukan berdue saje yew..maseh ade sahabat2 kamy yg menemani..huhu
jalan sesame..redah ujan same2..makan same2... teman ka shopping....n gi surau same2 sbb membe yg len ~ cuti ~ hahahaha 
ka twu my pnat sanad arini an? asek bejalan sajer temankn ka n fren.. thx dear!
everything was joyful n meaningful for both of us...
n now i know how it is feel when we being around with someone we love for a day n half!

to FATIN AMIRAH :: jangan jeles yew dgn kamy.. ahahaha
bf kamoo xde kt cni... ty law die balek cuti,kite wt double date uke? :P

and lastly :: for ZaiHeLmy .... i enjoyed the way u always be at my side today ... I.L.Y.S.M !!!
thanx sbb sanggop redah ujan same2...


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